

Creativity is contagious. Pass it on. - Albert Einstein

I began Home-grown Theatre in 2008, after completing a First Class Honours degree in Contemporary Performance. I had discovered a passion for collaborating with young people to create original performances that were interesting and relevant to their personal experiences. I wanted to create a theatre company that would help young people to find a voice through performing arts and offer a space where new work could be created. Thus, Home-grown Theatre was born! For more than a decade, I have been lucky enough to live my dream and work with young people across the country to create meaningful work.

I have always had a great love for script writing. The plays available on this website are all original works that were written by me, but inspired by the young people I work with. Many of these plays were first written and performed at the Cockburn Youth Centre, where I have facilitated the Drama Program for the past ten years. It is my great wish that these plays will have a life outside of the Youth Centre and be performed at other venues - let’s spread the love far and wide! I am always writing new material, which will be added to this site when it is ready.

If you are interested in purchasing a license to perform one of Home-grown Theatre’s plays, please take a look at the shop on this website. Make sure to let me know the dates of your performances - I will always support where I can. Thank you for taking the time to show your support for original, independent theatre and I hope you love staging these plays as much as I loved writing them!
